Wednesday, October 29, 2014

I'm Done Homeschooling

I quit.

I'm not homeschooling anymore.

Under no circumstances will I ever homeschool ever again.

Our family will learn.
We will learn... home, the park, the car,
...on a trip, the museum, the zoo,
...from a book,
...from television,
...from each other, the yard,
...on a mountain,
...on a train, an ice cream factory, the beach, church, the temple,
...wherever we happen to be we will learn.

We will continue to learn every single day of our lives; sometimes together, sometimes apart.

We will learn the gospel of Jesus Christ.
We will learn to read the things we love.
We will learn how to find the information we need.
We will learn that we need facts to make a decision, form an opinion, or educate ourselves or others.
We will learn about the amazing world, universe, and bodies our loving Father in Heaven made for us.
We will learn how He sent His Only Begotten Son to live, Atone, and die for us.
We will learn that we are loved beyond measure and beyond human capacity to understand.
We will learn about each other.
We will learn how to be kind.
We will learn to see the world beyond our own noses.
We will learn to serve and receive service.
We will learn to love unconditionally.
We will learn to add, subtract, multiply, divide, and any other type of arithmetic/geometry/algebra we need to make our way through this world.
We will learn about the things that interest us.

We will learn that nothing is more precious than our relationship with our Father in Heaven and His Son, Jesus Christ.
We will learn to be good brothers, sisters, sons, daughters, and most importantly, followers of Christ.
We will learn to be kind and loving husbands and wives and fathers and mothers.
We will learn to support one another.

What we will never, ever do again is "school".

No "school" in this family.

If we want "school" we will go to the nearest government institution and enroll, but we will never again have such a thing in our home.