There was a time I never thought I would feel this way about homeschooling. Sadly, I've come to realize that that was more because of my attitude than it was the challenges of homeschooling. Not that homeschooling isn't challenging. Much like parenting it's a lifelong course in trial and error trying to figure what works and being able to recognize when something doesn't. Sometimes I run head first into a wall and sometimes we have great success. More often I find joy in small and surprising places.
The last week had been quite full of our family. We spent several days at the beach and then hosted friends for our Independence Day celebrations.
This morning I woke up with a full blown cold and just feel crappy. So, I'm just kind of chilling in my room.
From downstairs I can hear the sounds of my children playing.
So, my kids are together A LOT. Especially this past week while we were away at the beach. Today, while I'm upstairs feeling crappy my children are playing together. Might not sound like much, but I find it joyful. My children actually like each other!
So what does this have to do with homeschooling? I mean, this is a homeschooling blog, right?
Well, I believe that homeschooling has provided an opportunity for my children to develop real and deep relationships with one another. They enjoy each other's company and miss each other when they are separated. This is a blessing I did not expect, but one for which I am very grateful. I can't think of a better a way to strengthen family relationships than implementing gospel principles via homeschooling.